“This is how humble men and women always feel when God calls them to do some great things for him. How can I do it? How can I possibly do it?
The answer is always the same answer - the one that Gabriel gave to Mary. ‘The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee.’
Not in their own strength, Mary, do the servants of God do the work to which he calls them, but in his.”
Elizabeth Goudge, God So Loved the World ❤️📖
Welcome to our March Goudge Readalong!
Hope you can join us for God So Loved the World! This is a wonderful book of narrative nonfiction, and the first Elizabeth Goudge launched into the world.
Where to find a copy
There are many used hardbacks in circulation on sites like EBay and AbeBooks, and also there is a reprinted facsimile edition available on Amazon.
Devotional reading
Because this is not a novel, you might find you need a different approach for planning your reading this month. (If not, that’s fine too of course!)
I’ve read it a few times, and it seems to me to sit better in my devotional-type reading - the sort that you would do a little of every day. If you read ten pages per day, then you will finish it in March (or perhaps five in the morning and five at night?). That way it will last you til Easter! 🐣
However you decide to read, I think you will find that you may need some book darts or a notebook to keep track of the little pieces of gold Goudge scatters for us along this very familiar path. I look forward to sharing more historical info and location photos of the Middle East along the way that will hopefully enrich your reading.
We will cover about three chapters each week for our readalong, and we will have a live book discussion on Wednesday, March 27th at 3pm EST, the day before Maundy Thursday. But as always, feel free to join when you can! I will record a synopsis of our discussion that you can watch at a later time as well. Online bookclubs should be flexible, so I am happy to join you in discussion whenever you get to it, even if it's in April or August!
“The outward life of the country, the tending of the vineyards and olive groves, the plowing of the fields, the sowing and gathering of the crops, the lives of the farmers and shepherds and artisans and their families in the small villages perched upon the hilltops went on normally enough, but underneath it was much hidden anxiety and grief and pain, and into the middle of it all came God. And there was nothing of their life that he did not share with his people, and does not today share with us, because we are his people it we love him, and he is as close to us as he was to them, when they heard his voice and saw his face and put out their hand and touched him.”
Elizabeth Goudge, God So Loved the World
Love to hear where in the world you are reading this month! Will it be your first time reading God So Loved the World?
Thanks for joining us! 🙏
*Amazon Affiliate links are included in this newsletter. I make a few cents per recommendation, each of which I hope will be helpful to you! Note: I also include many links which are not affiliates to other sites for research and photo credit purposes.
Reading in Oregon! This is my first time reading this book (or any EG, for that matter), and I’m enjoying it so far. Note: I found an online copy to borrow at archive.org, if anyone likes reading on their device.
With much anticipation, I’m joining in the reading of For God So Loved the World from Carmel, Indiana. Thank you, Julie, for your informed, gracious leadership.