I have an old Puffin paperback which I was lucky to get at a low price, as they are rather scarce. Interesting to me that Puffin issued a paperback of this book, but not Sister of the Angels (at least, if they did, it's extremely scarce as I have never seen any copies listed online). But then, the reissue history for EG's children's books in general is kind of odd; there doesn't seem to have been much rhyme or reason to which books were put out by which publisher and when.
They were definitely a bit more scattered across publishers than her adult novels. Glad you can join us and read for the first time! One of my favorite of her books.
I just joined. I have read an excerpt of Henrietta's House in an anthology. It was all I could find, so your preparatory emailing are very helpful.
I have read two other books on your list for this year. I am looking forward very much to the discussion on 2/26!
Linda Lindley
So glad you can join us, Linda! There is actually a copy of the text on Internet Archive right now, though it is not in public domain. But you can read it there: https://archive.org/details/henriettashouse0000goud/page/n5/mode/1up
Looking forward to talking with you tomorrow ❤️📚🌿
I'll be joining! I have an old paperback copy of The Blue Hills that I'll be reading from. It's a reread for me!
Wonderful! :) Such a good book
I will be joining, first time reader!
I have an old Puffin paperback which I was lucky to get at a low price, as they are rather scarce. Interesting to me that Puffin issued a paperback of this book, but not Sister of the Angels (at least, if they did, it's extremely scarce as I have never seen any copies listed online). But then, the reissue history for EG's children's books in general is kind of odd; there doesn't seem to have been much rhyme or reason to which books were put out by which publisher and when.
They were definitely a bit more scattered across publishers than her adult novels. Glad you can join us and read for the first time! One of my favorite of her books.