Dec 2, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Goudge Bookclub

My copy is a 1993 Servant Publications edition from Ann Arbour and I got it for a few dollars. It’s got sticky notes all through it and fresh ones will likely go in on this re reading. I’m starting today. Note - I don’t use sticky notes in my vintage editions but use a Commonplace book for quotes and my thoughts. Looking forward to the conversations and your notes

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So nice to have a book with history! I confess that I have a vintage US edition pictured here from a few years ago before paperback were available again and my reading notes are in it. I do usually try to only mark the paperbacks, but in this case need drove me to desperate measures.

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I learnt the hard way, sadly. I put sticky labels on a vintage copy of a Miss Read novel and when I removed them, it took a little of the paper away. I was not happy with myself at all. I have discovered that various copies of books have found their way into my possession at the most appropriate moments, when I could feel real joy at their arrival.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Goudge Bookclub

I can’t wait to reread this beautiful story with you all! It’s been years since I spent time with the Elliot family. I’m so grateful for all these details which I’ve never had on any of my precious readings. Thank you so much for sharing your research and love of EG with us! ❤️🙏

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So glad you can join us, Leslie! So happy you are here for our journey together :)

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Goudge Bookclub

Thank you from me too!

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So glad you are here for the journey together, Miranda! So very helpful having a "local" to Goudge's settings to set us in the right direction. :)

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Goudge Bookclub

My grandparents got married during WW2, and while the rationing wasn't nearly as extensive or long lived here in the US it still affected them . My grandma saved her sugar rations for several months in order to have enough sugar to bake their wedding cake!

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My grandmother said they would save eggs for weeks to make an Angel food cake for a birthday. You need a dozen :)

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Dec 3, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Goudge Bookclub

How lovely that you know some of what went on at such a key moment in their lives. I simply cannot imagine the concept of trying to ensure you had sugar to bake a cake. We are so blessed because of those who came before us and their legacy of our lives and freedom. This is a truly beautiful book and I am so glad that it was chosen for December. Excellent choice given the potential for crazy, chaos and commercialism at this time of year. Thank you Julie!

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Goudge Bookclub

My mother was born in 1940 and says rationing in the U.K. was worse after the war than during it, and particularly remembers the horribleness of whale meat

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Dec 9, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Goudge Bookclub

And my father was born in 1939 and lived in Yorkshire close to one of the U.S. Army bases preparing for D Day . When he was four he was given a miniature sergeant’s uniform as a birthday present and would go out and salute when the army trucks came past and the soldiers used to throw him candy bars , a massive treat at a time of seeet rationing

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